27 Jul 2024

News and articles

The Phase of the Moon – Astrology
This article is about how the Moon affects people and what needs to be done throughout the moon’s phases ...
How to Raise a Child Depending On His Zodiac Sign
Particular features peculiar to different signs of the Zodiac are formed under the influence of the sun position at the time of birth. So, make sure you know what is predetermined for your sweet sun sign ...
All the Great Astrologers Every Believer Should Know About
Today, we are going to center on those particular people who helped the science exist through all the ages ...
Love tips for every Zodiac sign
Everyone knows that relationships between people cannot be the same: passions and adventures are important to many people, however, others need to stay in a quiet and safe haven without changes. ...
How to Choose a Place of Residence Judging By Your Zodiac Sign?
Your sign defines where you should live to progress and prosper. As you may have already guessed, this is something we are going to discuss in detail today ...
Countries by Zodiac Signs
Each area has its own energy, culture, rules, and traditions. There is a country for each zodiac sign ...
What is a natal chart
Astrology has existed for many centuries, much longer than many sciences, and its roots go back to ancient times ...
What's Wrong with Friday the Thirteenth?
Friday, the 13th day of the month, is considered a “bad luck” day in many cultures. This superstition dates back to the Middle Ages and is associated with the curse of the Templars ...
How Does Full Moon Affect Pregnancy?
It is believed that when the moon is full, women in the last month of pregnancy go into labor. Is it a fairy tale or unknown things we discuss a lot, still failing to recognize them? ...
How to Choose a Wedding Date
So, it’s time to get some recommendations for choosing your wedding day and read your marriage prediction ...
How to Change my Zodiac Sign
Many of us consider our Sun sign to be an important part of our personality and life. We read horoscopes in order to have a direction of some sort in our day-to-day lives and rocky times ...
How Did the Names of the Zodiac Signs Appear
Not many of us know where did the signs come from. So let’s find out some interesting facts about how did Zodiac signs actually appear ...
I Saw a Prophetic Dream
We are about to discuss the issue of prophetic dreams in detail so that when such a dream occurs, you could know how to interpret it and what to expect from it. ...
Which Flowers Correspond to your Zodiac Sign?
Flowers and herbs are under the control of zodiac signs. Different plants correspond to each sign attracting harmony, good luck and love to their representatives ...
Christianity and astrology
Throughout the ages, the relationship between astrology and Christianity has been quite contradictory. At different times, Christians have treated astrology differently ...
Flower horoscope
According to astrology, flowers, herbs, plants and trees are controlled by Zodiac signs too. There are flowers and plants that bring good luck and love to each sign ...
Top 12 True Story Books for each Zodiac Sign
If walking among the shelves of a bookstore is more tiring than pleasing, then quickly grab a new book according to your zodiac sign, which can become a new favorite read! ...
How to Build a Successful Career with Astrological Signs
At least once in a lifetime, each of us thinks about changing the profession. Usually, such a thought appears at the college stage ...
Find Out Which Car Suits You According To The Zodiac Sign
Stars can tell you which car models and their color are most suitable for you, according to your date of birth ...
How Does the Horoscope Work?
Astrology studies how the “higher” order, reflected in planets and stars, is reproduced in earthly laws and events, and how the signs in order of the Universe, the macrocosm, exist in the microcosm, in the world we live in. ...
Dos and Don’ts About the Growing Moon
Watching the Moon phases and dedicating some actions to them is something people have been doing for a long time. The Moon, as a celestial body closest to our Earth, affects our life ...
The Role of Pluto in the Horoscope
Pluto rules destructiveness, powerful sexual energy, irreversible transformation, abduction and espionage, radiation and rehabilitation ...
Predictive Astrology – What Is It
Astrology helps us to find knowledge about three groups of symbols: signs, heavenly bodies, houses; to find answers to questions about the upcoming times ...
The Best Pet for Your Zodiac Sign
Your zodiac signs can tell a lot about you and what you are looking for in other people. They can also show which animals you are best to interact with ...