22 Oct 2024

Which Flowers Correspond to your Zodiac Sign?

Flowers and herbs are under the control of zodiac signs. Different plants correspond to each sign attracting harmony, good luck and love to their representatives. Knowledge of such patterns will be useful in some situations. For example, if you want to give somebody a bunch of flowers as a gift, or decorate your home with plants in pots. Such advices will not only give you aesthetic pleasure, but also engage love and prosperity to your life. There are detailed descriptions of each zodiac and their symbolic greenery.


Aries is a fire sign, so his plants have flowers of hot red tones. The patron of Aries is Mars, which loves prickly greenery. Those born under this sign love to stand out from the crowd and to be first in everything, thus, their house tree should be tall or at least with a lush crown, like:

  • ehmeya
  • indoor pomegranate
  • red and pink geraniums
  • coleus red and pink azalea
  • begonia
  • spurge
  • chlorophytum 
  • guzmania. 

These plants help to achieve the goal, to get rid of indecision, to improve concentration. Well-suited to all men, single people and those who are seriously involved in sports. However, plants such as asparagus, asters, laurel, lemon balm, arrowroot, orchids, sansevieria, chlorophytum are not recommended for this zodiac sign.


Taurus is an earth sign. Low plants with aesthetic inflorescences are suitable for him. Even the symbolic image of this sign tends to the earth. Beautiful inflorescences are caused by Venus influence. Among them are: 

  • Uzumbar violet
  • begonia
  • kalanchoe
  • cyclamen
  • primrose
  • hydrangea 
  • pelliomy. 

April Taurus is the period of birth of flowers. Taurus is characterized by physical strength, endurance and survival. Therefore, the use of these domestic plants is necessary for these qualities. These buds also act as money talismans, since Taurus is always well-known for his financial stability and wealth. Agave, calceolaria, pepper, ehmeya are not favorable for this zodiac sign. 


All curly, creeping species perfectly fit Gemini since this zodiac sign has always been associated with something light and airy. This air sign is patronized by Mercury air planet. The plant leaves are often narrow or small, gathered in lush crowns. They will primarily help to improve physical health and nervous system, and to clean the house atmosphere.  May Gemini is also a symbol of primary education. Therefore, it is good to have such plants at school and at home as a talisman of successful studies and rapid assimilation of information. Ideal are those varieties that require neither abundant watering nor soil: 

  • asparagus
  • all kinds of ivy
  • Canarian dates and other cirrus palms
  • fern
  • coconut
  • tradescantia
  • home ginseng
  • purple netcreasia
  • cyanotis
  • chlorophytum. 

Gemini is a sign of good relationship, so, the corresponding plants serve as talismans for everyone who wants to make new friends and maintain good relations with them. For those born under Gemini zodiac sign, it is not recommended to keep codium (croton) and arrowroot in their immediate vicinity.


Cancer is a water sign, thus, domestic flowers are most suitable for him. Usually plants have thick stems, fleshy heart shaped leaves and are very saturated with moisture. They are associated with home and family, as they grow in groups. The most  popular among them are: 

  • aglaonema
  • calamus
  • begonia
  • venus flytrap
  • philodendron
  • fuchsia
  • peperomy
  • agave
  • pachyphytum
  • stonecrop
  • indoor agave
  •  kalanchoe
  • echeveria
  • gasteria haworthia. 

If you want to buy an amulet that protects family from scandals, choose Cancer greenies. Dracaena, monstera, oleander, fatsia, ficus, yucca are undesirable for representatives of June Cancer.


As a rule, Leo plants bloom well and smell pleasantly. The king of animals chooses the best for himself, and the green home corner is no exception. The Leo planet is the Sun, therefore, the corresponding plants need good lighting: 

  • akalifa
  • amaranth
  • afelander calla
  • camellia
  • touchy
  • calceolaria
  • gardenia
  • mimosa
  • geranium
  • rose
  • leopard`s bane

Creativity and love – this is what July Leo plant amulet can give. These plants are useful for those, who are looking for their true love, trying to preserve and retain it, and for all representatives of creative professions. For Leo representatives it is not recommended to keep codium, laurel and arrowroot in their working environment.


Virgo is an earth sign under the influence of air Mercury. Virgo plants are distinguished by a flexible trunk and light aerial roots. This sign as well includes curly varieties. The pragmatism of people born in September is commonly known, thus, there are also fruit species among the Virgin indoor flowers: 

  • aucuba
  • fatsia monster
  • philodendron
  • bloody ivy
  • birch
  • syngonium
  • cissus
  • dracaena

The pragmatism of this sign makes all these flowers useful. Nevertheless, their main significance is health improvement. They will bring you well-being, the ability to think soberly in any circumstances and easily develop your mind. However, cinnabar clivia and bulbous plants are not perfect for Virgo.


Libra is under the influence of Venus, thus, most suitable flora representatives for this sign are those with colorfully painted leaves or wraps, for example fruit trees. However, it is worth mentioning that Saturn gives strength to plant stems. For example, fruit tree is used to influence on partnerships and assists in taste formation. They are amulets of partnerships, business and marriage. Among Libra herbs astrologists highlight:

  • achimenes
  • white azalea
  • pineapple
  • decembrist
  • capsicum
  • celosia
  • cestrum
  • chrysanthemum
  • cross
  • croton
  • crossandra
  • coffee
  • fatsia
  • heliotrope
  • chinese rose
  • hydrangea
  • water lily. 

For Libra, it is not recommended to grow such plants as ehmeya, agave, begonia, dracaena and kalanchoe.


Scorpio is a water sign controlled by Mars. The main disadvantage of such Scorpio plants is the fact that they are hard to grow at home conditions, because they often turn out to be poisonous or having too rich smell. They have thorns and are saturated with moisture. Those subspecies that feed on insects also include: 

  • cacti
  • dope
  • dragon tree
  • ginura
  • oleander
  • stapelia
  • aloe. 

They serve like mantra for everyday life. Chanting this mantra is necessary for those who want to develop their intuition. However, it is undesirable to grow hippeastrum, clivia, citrus fruits and palm trees at home.


Sagittarius always strives for new worlds, places on the planet, travelling and gaining new experience. Plant buds stretch up and have inflorescences. Thoughtful philosophers are born under Sagittarius. Bonsai as well as acidic citruses correspond to this zodiac sign: 

  • homemade grapes
  • strelitzia
  • sheflera
  • mother-in-law's tongue
  • palm trees of many varieties
  • lashenalia
  • haemanthus
  • ficus
  • eucharis
  • crinum
  • clivia. 

Sagittarius home greenery conveys to their owners all the qualities useful to travelers. They develop interest in wanderings and cultures of other nations. Sagittarius representatives should not grow aloe, cacti, calceolaria, ferns, chillies and ivies at home.


Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which gives stability of character; this also gives flora strong trunks. However, Mars endowed them with spikes and thorns. Since Capricorn is in no hurry, his plants grows slowly. One should chant:

  • dracaena
  • coniferous varieties
  • yucca
  • ficus
  • laurel
  • living stones
  • palm trees. 

Capricorn is a lover of limitations. He is able to deprive himself of something to achieve the goal. Capricorn representatives should not grow greenery such as reeds, hoya, ginura in large quantities.


Aquarius adores new and unusual solutions. His indoor nature reflects this character trait, because they are rare and unusual. They will certainly be distinguished by originality: 

  • stromantha
  • calathea
  • dracaena
  • cross
  • callistemon
  • reo
  • euphorbia
  • coccoloba
  • coleus
  • fittonia
  • indoor maple
  • alocasia
  • nolina
  • jatropha

These selected plants help to look at the world in a different way, to get new ideas and inspiration. They act like mantra to overcome any troubles, to achieve good luck in business any time, and just to find non-trivial solutions to problems in your office or at home. For Aquarius representatives it is undesirable to grow bulbous plants.


The planet of Pisces is Neptune. Its greenery grows in an aquatic environment or simply looks like algae. Venus, on the other hand, allows Pieces to have beautiful buds with pleasant smell: 

  • all aquarium and terrarium natural types
  • sea cucumber
  • ripsalis
  • sap
  • ficus
  • budra
  • helksina
  • hypotsirta
  • orchid
  • geranium
  • pelea
  • crassula
  • briofillum
  • tolfiya

This flora makes it possible to distract from everyday affairs. If you need a talisman to reach a certain social status in everyday life, choose one of them. It is undesirable for Pisces to keep onions, as well as ehmei and peppers.

Placing indoor plants according to stars will help everyone to get good luck and contributes to the fulfillment of desires. Herbs can change life for the better, making it calmer, more harmonious and successful.

Zodiac sign Favorable plants Undesirable plants
  • ehmeya 
  • indoor pomegranate
  • red and pink
  • geraniums
  • coleus red
  • pink azalea
  • begonia
  • spurge
  • chlorophytum
  • guzmania
  • asparagus
  • asters
  • laurel
  • lemon balm
  • arrowroot
  • orchids
  • sansevieria
  • chlorophytum
  • uzambara violet
  • begonia
  • kalanchoe
  • cyclamen
  • primrose
  • hydrangea
  • pelliomy
  • agave
  • calceolaria
  • pepper
  • ehmeya
  • ivy
  • canarian dates
  • cirrus palm trees
  • fern
  • coconut
  • tradescantia
  • home ginseng
  • purple netcreasia
  • cyanotis
  • chlorophytum
  • codium (croton)
  • arrowroot
  • aglaonema
  • calamus
  • begonia
  • venus flytrap
  • philodendron
  • fuchsia
  • peperomia
  • agave
  • pachyphytum
  • stonecrop
  • indoor agave
  • kalanchoe
  • echeveria
  • gasteria
  • haworthia
  • dracaena
  • monstera
  • oleander
  • fatsia
  • ficus
  • yucca
  • akalifa
  • amaranth
  • afelander
  • calla
  • camellia
  • impatiens
  • calceolaria
  • gardenia
  • mimosa
  • leopard`s bane
  • geranium 
  • rose
  • codium
  • laurel
  • arrowroot
  • aucuba
  • fatsia
  • monster
  • philodendron
  • bloody ivy
  • birch
  • syngonium
  • cissus
  • dracaena
  • cinnabar clivia 
  • bulbous plants


  • white azalea
  • pineapple
  • decembrist
  • capsicum
  • celosia
  • cestrum
  • chrysanthemum
  • cross
  • croton
  • crossandra
  • coffee
  • fatsia
  • heliotrope
  • chinese rose
  • hydrangea 
  • water lily
  • ehmeya
  • agave
  • begonia
  • dracaena
  • kalanchoe
  • cacti
  • dope
  • dragon tree
  • ginura
  • oleander
  • stapelia
  • aloe
  • hippeastrum
  • clivia
  • citrus fruits
  • palm trees


  • bonsai
  • acidic citruses
  • homemade grapes
  • strelitzia
  • sheflera
  • mother-in-law's tongue
  • palm trees of many varieties
  • lashenalia
  • haemanthus
  • ficus
  • eucharis
  • crinum 
  • clivia
  • home aloe
  • cacti
  • calceolaria
  • ferns
  • chillies
  • ivies


  • dracaena
  • coniferous varieties
  • yucca
  • ficus
  • laurel
  • living stones
  • palm trees
  • reeds
  • hoya
  • ginura


  • stromantha
  • calathea
  • dracaena
  • cross
  • callistemon
  • reo
  • euphorbia
  • coccoloba
  • coleus
  • fittonia
  • indoor maple
  • alocasia
  • nolina 
  • jatropha
  • bulbous plants


  • aquarium and terrarium plants
  • sea cucumber
  • ripsalis
  • sap
  • ficus
  • budra
  • helksina
  • hypotsirta
  • orchid
  • geranium
  • pelea
  • crassula
  • briofillum
  • tolfiya
  • bulbs
  • ehmei
  • peppers


Select Zodiac
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces
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