22 Oct 2024

News and articles

Characteristics of a Gemini Woman
Spontaneous and unpredictable, those women born under the Gemini sign perfectly represent a well-known proverb about the two sides of a coin. One could never guess what’s on their mind on this particular moment and where they are about to shift next. Geminis are ruled by the planet Mercury, which means that they love being in constant movement and hate sticking to one chosen set of traits. Think of their mind as of ocean waves – always there, but varying in forms, speed, lengths, and other characteristics. ...
Characteristics of a Leo Woman
Leo's annual reign lasts from July 23rd to August 23rd. Women born during this period get some enhanced qualities like leadership and authority. That is why the representatives of this zodiac sign are distinguished by strong energy. Let's look at other factors that typify female Leos.Their daily life looks like continuous bustle: Leo needs to do all household chores, have coffee with friends, and visit a SPA. ...
Characteristics of a Libra Man
Just by looking at the symbol that represents all Libras, you can easily tell about their main qualities. The scales signify the inner balance of this sign and the desire to achieve harmony. Their communication skills are excellent, which is why they often become mediators between people. ...
Characteristics of a Taurus Man
If you ever happen to meet a Taurus man, do not expect him to act fast – these guys are known to be steady, calm, and stout. They are not fighters, but lovers, as their sign is ruled by the planet Venus. These men will not engage in a conflict or rush into action among the first, and they are certainly not the most energetic people you can ever encounter. Taurus guys are not the ones to change fast and can be rather stubborn in protecting their views. However, getting along with them is quite simple if you are not trying to persuade them in anything they are not willing to hear about. ...
Characteristics of a Gemini Man
A Gemini man is always full of contradictions since his moods are ruled by the planet Mercury. An embodiment of the dualistic nature of a human’s soul, Gemini man can be both angel and demon. And do keep in mind that the side he turns towards you may be like a mirror – showing an important lesson about your own personality. This dualism, however, comes at a price since Geminis find it difficult to combine opposite traits in their character. This is also maddening people around them, making communication more difficult. ...
Characteristics of an Aquarius Man
quariuses are some of the most unique and extravagant people among all the signs. They see reality differently compared with other signs. Their ruler planet is Uranus, which represents changes and revolutionary ideas.Aquarius men have a fresh look at many things and can come up with extraordinary ideas. However, they can be quite timid and quiet at the same time. ...
Characteristics of a Scorpio Man
Scorpio men are incredibly passionate and confident. They always want to find the truth and will look for it until they reach their goal. You can see great potential for leadership in a Scorpio man. This is a Water sign, which reflects in unique emotionality. Scorpios like to express their feelings and experience all the emotions. However, they are slightly different from other two Water signs. You can trust them with all your secrets and be confident in their security. ...
Characteristics of a Scorpio Woman
Women born under the Scorpio constellation can be described as mysterious and sexy. Such characteristics come from their ruler planet, Pluto. This planet rules such subjects as death and regeneration. It is also closely connected to the question of sexuality. Because of a strong personality and mysterious aura with a dark undertone, some might think that Scorpio women are witchy and evil. However, they are just so unique and attractive. ...
Characteristics of a Sagittarius Man
A Sagittarius man loves to uphold his beliefs, and it’s hard to overpersuade him. Sagittarius’ love of freedom is always in the first place. However, many Sagittarius men are responsive, good-natured and will not lie even in their own interests. ...
Characteristics of a Pisces Woman
Pisces is the last, yet no less important sign in the zodiac circle. Receiving the energy of water and the patronage of Jupiter, Pisces often become philosophers and teachers. Also, such women are distinguished by sensitivity and fiery temperament that attracts the attention of men. ...
Characteristics of a Pisces Man
Pisces is a sign of the Zodiac patronized by Jupiter and Neptune. Therefore, a Pisces man knows how to be generous and enjoys even small mercies. He is full of creative potential and characterized by charm, intuition, and fantasy. Pisces men tend to be thoughtful and strive for beauty. ...
Most Sensitive Zodiac Sign
Has it ever come across your mind that some people react to similar situations differently because of the sign they are born under? While some of us are easily moved, others remain indifferent when they face the same circumstances. The fact that someone is more emotional than the other can tell you a lot about the person. ...
Conjunction Aspect Meaning in Astrology
Astrology – what do you know about it? If you are not an astrologer or devoted astrology fan, then our best bet would be to name a daily horoscope and your zodiac sign among those few things you occasionally come across. Well, there is nothing to be ashamed of; that is what every average person knows. However, has it ever occurred to you why there are so many people interested in more than just these few elements of astrology? ...
Sextile Meaning
What is the first thing entering your mind when thinking about astrology? The chances are that it is either your zodiac sign or daily horoscope you look through from time to time. We have mentioned it before, that astrology is not a scientific discipline, at least not yet; rather, a non-science. However, this does not make it any less complex than astronomy or other known science types. ...
What Is an Aspect in Astrology?
When you start thinking that you know all about astrology, a new notion hits the stage. We have talked about the sun and the moon, zodiac signs, horoscopes, houses, and so on, but it turns out that there are also aspects to be aware of. ...
How to Get Rid of the Curse
Is your boss yelling at you all the time? Or, maybe, you ruined your favorite blouse with a hot iron accidentally? Or your boyfriend dared to say that you’ve got a couple of extra kilos over the last week? Well, it looks like you knew better days, and bad luck is chasing you step by step. ...
How to Find Your Way
People often tend to think that someone else’s life is better than theirs, and they surely don’t deserve that load of troubles they are dealing with most of the time. Another popular opinion is that we get what we have – undeservingly. ...
Astrology from the Scientifical Point of View
Many people around the globe have no direct relation to science, but all of them interact with it daily. Think about all the technological innovations and miracles that surround us. All of them are the result of some scientific research that led to the invention. ...
Islam and Astrology
In modern life, we are used to putting up with many controversial things without questioning them. We are used to the notion that every opinion has the right to exist. However, Muslim culture is not that open-minded towards many issues, and astrology is clearly one of them ...
Best Mantra for You According To Your Zodiac Sign
You may already know that astrology is not a simple non-science that can exist on its own. It exists in correlation with lots of other practices, beliefs, and even sciences. At times, it is surprising how all areas of astrology and aspects of one’s life can intertwine. Today, we are going to discuss the relation between mantras and zodiac signs. ...
Feng Shui
Probably, every person in his or her life has heard of feng shui. They may have a basic idea of what it is used for, which is not yet enough to benefit from this art. It is true that learning how feng shui works may be quite difficult. ...
How to Keep a New Year Resolution
The beginning of the new year is a traditional time to make plans and resolutions. But why does the lion's share of all these resolutions remain broken? ...
Black MoonLilith in Astrology: Lilith and Zodiac Signs
All religious people (and not only they) know the tale of Adam and Eve, who gave birth to humankind. It is said it was Eve who caused their banishment from Paradise, and it was her who cursed people to live on Earth ...
Star Sign for Christmas Day
If you are one of not many people celebrating their birthday on December 25, you must be feeling special! If you also belong to those people who just love astrology and like reading about their zodiac signs, then you should find this article interesting. ...