22 Oct 2024

News and articles

Horoscope 2020 for Capricorn
Stubborn Capricorns can boast of a very busy year. The White Metal Rat will give them a real endurance test. Starting from the New Year holidays, this Earth sign will begin to butch everything that comes in its way. ...
Horoscope 2020 for Virgo
In 2019, you finally came home and no longer need to hide your feelings. The stars will bring plenty of positive emotions and fun, but first, 2020 horoscopes for Virgo recommend analyzing your mistakes. ...
Horoscope 2020 for Aquarius
In 2019, Aquarius had plenty of time to relax. They travelled, visited museums, and received cash gifts that were always unexpected. Alas, this period cannot last forever, and you’ll have a lot of work in 2020 to realize your ambitions. ...
Horoscope 2020 for Libra
Throughout 2018, people under the Zodiac sign of Libra had enough time for love, travel, and parties. They would like to continue having fun in 2020 but suddenly, they will find themselves tired. ...
Horoscope 2020 for Gemini
The horoscope for Gemini 2020 reports that representatives of this sign will receive a decent dose of opportunities to use them to their advantage: work, career, and financial position. ...
Retrograde Mercury
The planet Mercury changes its direction a few times a year (at least three times, but sometimes it can be changed four times), and this lasts about 20 days, affecting people on Earth. ...
Sibling Relationship Horoscope
From an early age, family plays the most crucial role in people’s life. It does not even depend on age, gender or nationality. People just need to have some soul mates who will support, understand and help them whatever happens. ...
Sport Stars: What Sport is Ideal for Your Zodiac Sign
Do you persuade yourself to start a new life every Monday by signing up for pilates, buying an annual subscription to the nearest gym, or just trying to do everyday jogging? Well, we all do that. ...
How to recognize Aries?
It does not matter if you are a skeptic or a believer, you surely know your zodiac sign, there is no doubt about this. As you may already know, there are twelve zodiac signs, and Aries is the first sign on the list. ...
Egyptian Zodiac Signs
The Egyptian story of the famous horoscope that belongs to Western astrology arises from an ancient pantheon. There are 12 deities-rulers of the Zodiac signs, and each one controls the ancient Egyptian Zodiac circle during three weeks at different times. ...
Where Did the Zodiac Signs Come from?
Nowadays, probably there are no people who have never heard about zodiac signs. A lot of them know which one they belong to but do not pay close attention to this. ...
Tibetan Horoscope
Tibetan astrology emerged from the synthesis of the Indian system, and it is one of the most accurate in the world. According to this concept, a man consists of five elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. ...
Horoscope Changed: The New 13th Zodiac Sign
It happens so that once we are born we are entitled with a Zodiac sign that stays with us throughout life. There are many people that neglect the notion of the Zodiac in general, but there are also people who tend to not only trust but also believe all that horoscope says. ...
Astrology Houses
Not all people are ready to admit that they are always drawn to something that is hard to explain or is inexplicable at all. That is why astrology is usually the subject of heated debate in many companies ...
Lunar Zodiac Sign
Everyone knows his Sun sign, which is determined by the position of the Sun next to the Zodiac constellations at the time of birth. ...
Astrology Development
It is time to put the tables away and discuss why precisely all the signs carry the names we know them after and what is a greater history behind each of them. Aren’t you already curious? ...
What will Happen to Each Zodiac Sign in 2020?
If you are curious about what is going to happen to you when 2020 hits – we have a new and precise horoscope for every sun sign on offer! ...
How the Parade of Planets Affected the Zodiac Sign
The way the planets move results in precise events that take place in our lives. It is hard to admit for some people, but astrology is closely connected to everything that goes on in the world. ...
The Role of the Sun
The Sun in astrology symbolizes orange color, ruby and gold metal. It is considered the most important planet in the horoscope of every person. The Sun affects individuality, self-awareness and personality development in astrology ...
Numerology: What is it?
Scientific aspects of the art of personal numerology help us more fully realize our place in the past, present and future life. Life is cyclical, and any cycle can be represented by a single digit number from 1 to 9 ...
Moony Mood: How Does Moon Affect Zodiac Signs
The Moon is the closest space object and the only satellite of the Earth. Its influence on our planet is well known since ancient times. But what if the Moon not only affects the ebb and flow but also touches us? ...
Karmic Lessons of My Zodiac Sign
today we are going to talk about calculations that discover those hidden secrets of yours. These calculations are based on something as personal as the birth date – your birth name ...
Myths About Zodiac Signs
The history of Zodiac signs, on which horoscopes are based, is directly related to predictions in astrology. Let’s take a look at the signs in order to better understand these interdependencies. ...
An Ideal Hobby – Choosing a Zodiac Sign
The Sun sign usually affects your life the most. So, we took the trouble to make a list and give it to you so that you could find the right hobby for your Zodiac sign. ...