10 Feb 2025

Horoscope Changed: The New 13th Zodiac Sign

It happens so that once we are born we are entitled with a Zodiac sign that stays with us throughout life. There are many people that neglect the notion of the Zodiac in general, but there are also people who tend to not only trust but also believe all that horoscope says.

We do not get tired of reminding you that astrology is the language of the stars and planets, and they have a lot to tell us if we can understand them. Many people tend to take astrology for astronomy science, and in the core they are related. Both are centered around the movement of stars and planets, as well as the constellations. Nevertheless, in the majority of scientific circles, astrology is not viewed as a precise science. Surely, if you are not a scientist, it wouldn’t matter to listen to what others may say as long as you read through your horoscope daily.

Slowly but gradually, we approach the subject of our discussion. The fact is that no matter if you believe your horoscope or not, you need to know that your Zodiac sign is not the one you are used to. Yes, that is true, recently, NASA has claimed that there are not 12 but 13 Zodiac signs. Such a statement means that the Zodiac sign you were entitled with the minute you were born is entirely different if you decide to believe this new approach. 

The notion of the 12-sign Zodiac dates back to ancient Babylon. Babylonians were the first ones to adopt Zodiac signs the way we know them today. Of course, it seems that there are no reasons to dismiss such ancient ancestry. However, astrological research lead by NASA proves that the sky has changed over the course of thousands of years due to the fact that the axis of the Earth has changed, and it does not point in the same direction as it used to when the Babylonians discovered the Zodiac. That fact that the sky map has shifted means, according to NASA, that all the signs that we know about have done the same. 

Of course, that is huge news, and you may need some more detailed explanation to grasp the information. They say that, in fact, there is nothing complex about this particular notion. To put it in a nutshell, on the date you are born, a particular sign that you are born under coincides with a certain position that the Sun is in compared to known constellations. While the Earth moves around the Sun, the planet goes through a particular Zodiac constellation at a certain time. To be honest, it remained so for over the course of 3 thousand years. However, nothing remains unchanged, and the rule applies to the sky too. That is why there was a moment when the sky map changed, and NASA scientists managed to notice that.

There are many people who consider themselves a typical Virgo or Pisces while not feeling that way at all. This is that time you get your explanation. You may not feel like an orderly Virgo simply because it is not the sign you were born under. As simple as that.

We have explained it in a simple way for everyone to be able to grasp the information. However, scientists from NASA couldn’t stick to something as average as this, and we are going to present to your attention the scientific proof behind the introduction of the 13th sign to the Zodiac. Not everyone knows that all the constellations are different in size and shape. It does not take a genius to figure out that because of that the Sun spends different amount of time in each constellation. For instance, if it takes only a week for the Sun to be lined up with the Scorpio, it takes 45 days for the Virgo constellation. As you may understand, the difference is tremendous. What Babylonians did is that they missed that fact. It was a lot easier to stick to something as comfortable as a 12-sign Zodiac rather than to experiment with a 13-sign one.

The thirteenth Zodiac sign has a name already – Ophiuchus. One more astrological assumption as to why ancient astrologers left it out was due to the fact it wouldn’t fit in their perfect mathematical calculation. The truth is that some astrologers state that there is a 360-degree path that the Sun goes through, which divides all the constellations on its way into 12 signs. This seems like a valid reason to leave one sign out of the whole Zodiac, don’t you think? 

Ophiuchus – what is it like?

Surely, it feels like we have just dropped a bomb upon your head, and if Ophiuchus is real, you would like to know some more about the sign. To begin with, the astrologers state that this Zodiac sign should take place between the two November and December signs. If you think that you were born under Scorpio and Sagittarius signs, in particular, you are the one who may belong to the new sign category. It is claimed that Ophiuchus lasts for 18 days, starting on November 29th and ending on December 17th. 

So what are the traits that this new Zodiac sign possesses? We are going to start with the representation of the image. The fact is that they depict Ophiuchus as a man who is fighting a snake. To be more precise, the man breaks the serpent into two parts. Also, unlike all the other Zodiac signs, this one is closely related to a real person. In fact, Ophiuchus is related to an ancient Egyptian doctor who lived in the 27th century BC and is viewed in the Bible as Joseph.

If you think about it, since it is an ancient image of a doctor we are talking about, Ophiuchus is a healer, a man of medical skill and science. It is a sign that is liked and loved by anyone around him.

There are two ways that you can interpret the introduction of Ophiuchus – you can either relate to it or you may not. The choice is yours. However, we wish to present the complete information on this subject to your attention. The truth is that not all astrologers accept this new introduction to the existing Zodiac. 

Susan Miller, a known astrologer who has made her great contribution to the field of astrology, claims that a good old 12-sign Zodiac is the one you should stick to no matter what NASA may say. The thing is that there are many constellations in the sky, 88 to be precise, and if you follow the NASA approach, all of them can become new Zodiac signs. She says that ancient astrologers considered the thirteenth sign, but after a debate, they decided that it was not that significant to be added to the 12 existing signs. If you think about it, we are not the ones to have invented astrology. It was invented years ago so that there is no reason we should re-invent it.

Some scientists also state that you shouldn’t mix astrology and astronomy. While the latter is a precise science, the former is not. What does this mean? This means that even if the stars have shifted, it shouldn’t relate to the sphere of the Zodiac and Zodiac signs in any case. Our Zodiac signs are based on western astrology, and this indicates that what matters is how the planets revolve around the Sun in the first place. In case you are a little bit familiar with the field, you would know that that course remains unchanged no matter what. To put it simply, even though Ophiuchus exists, it is merely a constellation that has nothing to do with the Zodiac signs. 

To sum it all up, it is safe to say that the notion of a new sign is a very contradictive one. On the one hand, astrology dates back centuries ago, and there is no reason we shouldn’t trust those who invented it. After all, they had some reasons to state that there were twelve Zodiac signs and not more. On the other hand, it is clear that the means that ancient astrologers had at hand during those times were a lot different from the technology that we have access to now.

With all the information that we have presented we leave it up to you to decide whether or not you want to believe in the existence of the 13th Zodiac sign. It was claimed that often you could not relate to all the information that your current signs stated about you. This can only indicate that you were born under a different one. Maybe the serpent bearer is that one that affects your behavioral likes and dislikes.

Lastly, astrology is not a precise science, and it is not like it predicts future to the fullest extent. Astrology points out your traits and the ways you can affect your path in a positive way. After all, some people do not read horoscopes at all and pay little to no attention to what their star sign has to say about their personality. Astrology is the science you rather believe in, or you don’t, and no one can force you to view it differently. 

Now you know that the debate about the sign Ophiuchus is a prominent one both on the Internet and in astrological circles, but there is no clear claim that you should either agree or disagree with its existence. 

Select Zodiac
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces
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