12 Sep 2024


24.09 — 23.10

Libra Daily Horoscope

The people around you would really appreciate it if you'd slow down and relax a little. You always seem to be running around, so much so, in fact, that you've been neglecting the people close to you, especially your family. They really need you. They have issues to discuss with you. They need to feel the comfort of your arms. Your arms need to open up to them first.

Libra Daily Horoscope

The day belongs to you. The celestial movements encourage you to think about your future. Don't be afraid. With your usual self-confidence and dynamism, you're in the best position to have a head start. Your Libra nature will be in control of your actions and you can rest assured that this period in time will be a favorable one for you. What more could you ask for?

Libra Finance Horoscope

Your days have a familiar routine. When one thing doesn't go as planned, though, your whole day is out of whack. Be thankful this kind of disruption doesn't affect anything of real consequence.

Libra Finance Horoscope

The nagging details that eat away at your day don't really matter when you're with real friends. You'll know who they are by the questions they don't ask. The ones who want answers they don't really deserve are the ones to be avoided.

Libra Business Horoscope

All of the Aquarius energy in the beginning of February will inspire you to take great creative leaps. The key is to use these talents in your professional aspirations.

Libra Business Horoscope

All of the Aquarius energy in the beginning of February will inspire you to take great creative leaps. The key is to use these talents in your professional aspirations.

Libra Health Horoscope

Your health practices are a wonderful way to re-connect with lost parts of yourself. The meticulous child who rearranged their sock drawer every Saturday might re-emerge as you wash up after cooking a nutritious meal; the bouncing little gymnast who had the energy of a puppy may float across your mind as you near the park for a run. As your practice strengthens, remember to gently embrace the parts of you that emerge. It is through acceptance, not judgment, that we achieve wholeness.

Libra Health Horoscope

Today's planetary energy encourages you to pay attention to your personal health and to ask yourself if you are feeling up to par. It's important to notice the subtleties expressed by the body, both emotionally and physically. Are you sleeping well? Are you drinking enough water? Do you digest your food well? Are you feeling safe in your relationships? All the little things that you notice will lead to greater self-awareness and help you much feel better.

Libra Career Horoscope

Career goals that you set for yourself a couple of months ago should be implemented now. Start doing the research and seek the advice of others whom you know can help you along this path. People are more than willing to assist you at this time.

Libra Career Horoscope

Make an important investment today. Invest in yourself. Instead of working to put money into someone else's pocket, this is the time to take steps to put money into your own pocket. You have the ability to be successful on your own so do it.

Libra Love Horoscope

The current astral alignment may be the answer to making one of your dreams come true regarding a certain person whom you have admired for some time. You will feel less like being obscure and enigmatic in your dealings with them, and much more like openly expressing how much you care. This is a major decision for you, as you are frightened of being so vulnerable.

Libra Love Horoscope

You may find the pace a little too demanding in terms of your love life, especially with the current celestial energy. If you had been hoping for a quiet evening in with that special someone, then you could be in for quite a surprise. They certainly have other ideas, which could mean a very demanding schedule. If you can't cope, you'll need a very good excuse.

Libra Flirt Horoscope

Something big and new and crazy is on your mind. Don't hesitate to share it with the world. Gossip, blog, email, text or whatever is you do to express yourself in real time.

Libra Flirt Horoscope

You're going through a lot right now, but almost all of it is positive. You feel better than ever, and certainly better able to handle the rush of activity that comes with all the change.

Libra Sex Horoscope

Get wild, Libra! It’s the shortest month of the year, but your dating life is going to be jammed with excitement as Venus enters Aquarius on February 1. Let out your inner rebel as you let your freak flag fly. Flirt with everyone! Take thirst traps! Just have fun!

Libra Sex Horoscope

Get wild, Libra! It’s the shortest month of the year, but your dating life is going to be jammed with excitement as Venus enters Aquarius on February 1. Let out your inner rebel as you let your freak flag fly. Flirt with everyone! Take thirst traps! Just have fun!

Select Zodiac
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces
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