12 Sep 2024


24.08 — 23.09

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Today a strong sense of destiny could lead you to someone new - either a potential close friend or prospective romantic partner. You're apt to feel especially protective toward this person, Virgo, and even though he or she is new to you. You could feel as if you've known this person forever. Artistic activities benefit from increased intuition and physical and mental energy. Expect to shine! Enjoy your day.

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Today you'll have the strange feeling that something is floating in the air. The time is right to try to understand the different needs of your family circle. There will be a lot of movement around you, Virgo, so you should feel free to step back. Your relatives will understand that you need more space in order to gain perspective on the situation.

Virgo Finance Horoscope

Do you really want guests? Other people will only bring their energy and enthusiasm trailing along behind them. If you want to stay blah, then hole up alone. If not, you have a pretty good idea of what to do about it.

Virgo Finance Horoscope

Staying on course is imperative. You have too much happening to be flexible, but if you can't bend, you'll break. The only way out of your situation is to spend money. If you guessed Hired Help, you guessed right.

Virgo Business Horoscope

February starts with some major drama with your co-workers, which could reach a boiling point during the new moon on February 11. You’ll be given a choice as to how you want to proceed.

Virgo Business Horoscope

February starts with some major drama with your co-workers, which could reach a boiling point during the new moon on February 11. You’ll be given a choice as to how you want to proceed.

Virgo Health Horoscope

Being open to change is both overwhelming and freeing. The planetary energy makes this a good time to open yourself to changes or improvements in your diet. Diet does not only mean "losing weight" - it also means knowing what and when to eat. It means resting so that your internal organs get a break and organizing your eating schedule so that they work most efficiently. Your diet is something you should fundamentally enjoy. Remember that your power to look your best resides in your diet!

Virgo Health Horoscope

Today's planetary alignment brings out certain relationship expectations that you will need to discuss with your partner or your friends. Stay aware of what you are feeling so that you can catch yourself before you make someone else the cause of your emotional state - remember, this is giving your power away. The best conversations are those that you initiate with an open heart and no blame for anyone, including yourself. Keep refined sugar far out of reach!

Virgo Career Horoscope

Your work seems like drudgery today - even more than usual. You will feel uncomfortably chained to a situation that simply doesn't resonate with you. Don't be too rash and suddenly decide to quit. This is just a passing phase that will soon end.

Virgo Career Horoscope

You are likely to get bogged down in an emotional drama while working today that you simply have nothing to do with. Do your best to stay above this conflict by keeping your focus on your own work and your own needs. Rely on only yourself.

Virgo Love Horoscope

You tune into your feelings that much more easily with the current planetary alignment. And this for you is quite a major feat, as you tend to stand back and ignore them completely, which often results in many complicated situations. Even if you find it alarming to be in tune with your emotions about one person, this will help you to know what your next step should be.

Virgo Love Horoscope

The current aspect at play could indicate that a new relationship is about to come roaring into your life, just when you least expected it. If you have been pursuing a lot of romantic options, then you may not know what has hit you until you are already smitten. You have probably been wishing for this on some level or another, so be glad when it happens.

Virgo Flirt Horoscope

You might have an awesome day or one that you'd rather forget, but you can make the most of it in either case. Your energy is just right for sticking with your program and keeping up the momentum.

Virgo Flirt Horoscope

Even your best friends might get confused when you start talking today -- it's as if they've lost the ability to understand your code. Be as clear as you can if you want to avoid accidental insults.

Virgo Sex Horoscope

February starts ice-cold as Venus enters Aquarius on the first, creating some unpredictability in your dating life, like dates canceling at the last minute, ghosting, or having to play the caretaker role in a relationship. Use the power of the new moon in Aquarius on February 11 to work on yourself. You can’t do the same thing in every relationship and expect different results.

Virgo Sex Horoscope

February starts ice-cold as Venus enters Aquarius on the first, creating some unpredictability in your dating life, like dates canceling at the last minute, ghosting, or having to play the caretaker role in a relationship. Use the power of the new moon in Aquarius on February 11 to work on yourself. You can’t do the same thing in every relationship and expect different results.

Select Zodiac
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces
News and articles
Whether we like it or not, but human nature is weak. People are the species that a lot easier to corrupt than any other form of life. At the very same time, every individual is also unique and complex. When some of us are preordained to study hard in order to get somewhere, others seem to be born with a gift that is hard to explain. Why is that? What do these people know that most of us don’t?
Uranus Personality
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Characteristics of a Scorpio Woman
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Karmic Lessons of My Zodiac Sign
today we are going to talk about calculations that discover those hidden secrets of yours. These calculations are based on something as personal as the birth date – your birth name
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How the Parade of Planets Affected the Zodiac Sign
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How to choose a diet according to the zodiac sign
Nowadays dieting is almost like a hobby. People try out new ways and methods to lose weight, do exercise, and go to doctors just to see a desirable weight on a scale. And while some of the methods are always right and healthy like working out and eating less sugar, others can be out of this world.