25 Mar 2025


22.12 — 20.01

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Today should prove to be a wonderful day, Capricorn. Your physical energy is good, and you should be looking and feeling wonderful. Though you'll probably want to spend most of the day at home, you're likely to attract lots of interesting people in intriguing fields into your aura. Your ability to express your feelings is also high, so expect some stimulating conversations about whatever strikes your fancy. Enjoy your day.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

The astral energy will have you reminiscing all day long over childhood memories, Capricorn. These memories will take you to the houses and places where you were raised and where your personality and character were formed. Many memories will surface - happy, melancholy, and everything in between. You should probably seize this opportunity to write them down.

Capricorn Finance Horoscope

Nothing you participate in seems to reach you today. For once being emotionally removed is a big advantage, because those around you are over reacting. In contrast, your calm, cool response doesn't go unnoticed.

Capricorn Finance Horoscope

Squabbling is a good word for what children do over Monopoly money. What's going on in your life today is more accurately described as warfare. Everyone plans on fighting to the finish, and that means no one is left standing without their worst sides revealed.

Capricorn Business Horoscope

With all of the transits directly affecting your finances this month, there is no more hiding. It’s all about getting to the gist of the lesson and knowing that you have to make some major changes regarding investments. Your financial and business prosperity depends on your ability to step into the world and let your voice be heard. You have very strong opinions, and you can’t hide what you’re thinking under these skies.

Capricorn Business Horoscope

With all of the transits directly affecting your finances this month, there is no more hiding. It’s all about getting to the gist of the lesson and knowing that you have to make some major changes regarding investments. Your financial and business prosperity depends on your ability to step into the world and let your voice be heard. You have very strong opinions, and you can’t hide what you’re thinking under these skies.

Capricorn Health Horoscope

The planetary alignment indicates that it's time to lay down your bow and reflect on your aim. If your thoughts are jumbling you in a multitude of directions, it will be difficult, if not impossible to hit your target. Make sure you are getting the rest you need. Proper rest supports your body's proper functioning. Include beets, tomatoes and young dandelion in your diet to help cleanse your liver. Most importantly, focus on developing a habit of mild exercise that you can do nearly every day.

Capricorn Health Horoscope

Today's transit gives you the feeling that something could be done better if you only had the time to sit down and plan it. Maybe this is your body talking? Are you feeling like there are too many things going on in your life to maintain the healthy lifestyle you would like? First of all, don't judge yourself. Start with where you are today and go from here, setting gentle, realistic goals.

Capricorn Career Horoscope

Your aggressive tendencies may get you in trouble with your co-workers and even your employer, so be careful. You are better off lying low than actively trying to push the buttons or rattling the cages of others who are simply not in the mood.

Capricorn Career Horoscope

It will be no secret to your co-workers that your emotional and personal life is negatively affecting your career world. You might as well come clean with your feelings. Spill your guts to someone you trust. Take deep breaths.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

Line and texture are very important in the way you dress for an important outing. Today's planetary alignment means your date will be impressed by the attention you pay to your clothes and the way you look in general. As you are skilled in all matters having to do with image, you will surpass all their expectations. Once the grand entrance is over, you can really get to know them.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

The current astral configuration may mean you find things get too intense, too quickly. If you are just getting to know someone new, then you may have a hard time trying to contain the pace of events. You like to keep things cool before you allow the heat to be turned up. If you have a problem with this, you will have to be up-front and totally honest.

Capricorn Flirt Horoscope

Everyone around you seems to have plenty to say today, but you can tell they're just babbling. Do your best not to join in, fun as it may seem -- you have more going on than they do.

Capricorn Flirt Horoscope

Your brainpower is exactly right for today's activities, though you should make sure to balance it with some lazy fun or freaky art business. As long as you're not over-thinking things, you're fine.

Capricorn Sex Horoscope

As Venus leaves your sign for Aquarius on February 1, this might be a good time to shift your focus from dating to you. Take this as an opportunity to “date” yourself: buy yourself flowers, make your favorite meal, and learn what makes you special. When the new moon is in Aquarius on the eleventh, write a little note about why you love yourself. Tape it to your mirror as a reminder.

Capricorn Sex Horoscope

As Venus leaves your sign for Aquarius on February 1, this might be a good time to shift your focus from dating to you. Take this as an opportunity to “date” yourself: buy yourself flowers, make your favorite meal, and learn what makes you special. When the new moon is in Aquarius on the eleventh, write a little note about why you love yourself. Tape it to your mirror as a reminder.

Select Zodiac
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces
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