10 Feb 2025

Why Is My Rising Sign SO Different From My Sun Sign?

We bet that most of you are aware of only one sign that affects your life – the sun sign. So, here we go with a sensation: your rising sign is even more important. Who would dare argue with the fact that the sun affects your personality to a great extent? The giant of our solar system is the recognized king of the planets. But the rising sign leaves a tangible imprint on your fate.

If your sun sign is Taurus, but an Aries rising, you are unlikely to be just a calm and sweet little Taurus. Most likely, your emotions are visible from space. We are here to help you navigate the mutual work of these two signs.

What kind of sun are you: impulsive or modest?

The sun represents you, and the sun sign is a set of characteristics that are peculiar to you and determine your differences from others. 

In this case, the horoscope helps you feel like an individual, but it does not show all important aspects of your personality.

Ariеs (Mаrch 21 – Арril 19)

Таurus (Арril 20 – Маy 20)

Gеmini (Мау 21 – June 20)

Саnсеr (Junе 21 – Julу 22)

Lео (Julу 23 – Аugust 22)

Virgо (Аugust 23 – Sеptеmbеr 22)

Librа (Sеptеmbеr 23 – Осtоbеr 22)

Sсоrpiо (Осtоber 23 – Nоvеmbеr 21)

Sаgittаrius (Nоvеmbеr 22 – Dесеmbеr 21)

Cарricоrn (Dесеmbеr 22 – Jаnuаrу 19)

Аquаrius (Jаnuаrу 20 – Fеbruаrу 18)

Pisсеs (Fеbruаrу 19 – Маrсh 20)

The energy of the Rising Sign

The ascending sign is your image, the way you are perceived by others due to the vibrations of this layer of your energy. For this reason, you may incorrectly guess a person’s sun sign by focusing on his rising one instead. The rising sign is the first impression of you, and your first impression of a person. How other people feel about us influences us every day, and that’s why the rising sign has such a meaning.

When you were born, one special sign was high above the eastern horizon. For this sign, unlike the sun one, the exact time of your birth really mattered. That is why the rising sign is a confirmation of your uniqueness in this world and can tell more about you than anything.

The cooperation of two signs

Imagine a book. First of all, we pay attention to the cover. If we are talking about a person, the rising sign is such a cover. Each person is unique. Our essence is just as unique. The moon signs are responsible for that. That is, each element of this system is equally important. It is impossible to understand and appreciate the book highlighting only one of them. 

This is the answer to the question of why we use the phrase "judge a book by its cover" when talking about people. One can easily guess the rising sign of a person; it is much more difficult to do this with the sun one. 

Signs must be considered together. Each of them takes its place and is responsible for a certain aspect. If you want to penetrate the depths of someone’s personality, you will have to pay attention to the complexity of this system. 

In order to get answers to all questions, study this topic carefully. You will be able to better understand yourself and others, learn to distinguish what is apparent from what is real and accept features.

Select Zodiac
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces
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